SALGA Interactive Knowledge Base

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South African Local Government Association is an autonomous association of all 257 South African local governments, comprising of a national association, with one national office and nine provincial offices.

Membership of the association is voluntary. SALGA accounts to its members in terms of the SALGA Constitution (as amended in 2016) and it’s Governance Framework regulating its structures and mandating processes.

Unlawful Occupation of Land: Model ByLaw

This is a model ByLaw to assist in cases where municipalities seek to prevent and respond to unlawful land occupation within its area of jurisdiction while recognizing that no one may evicted from their home or have their home demolished without an order of court, as preserved by section 26(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.

Generic Municipal Policy: Land Acquisition and Disposal

SALGA initiated the development of a generic policy on land acquisition and disposal that municipalities can adapt to suit their specific contexts. The generic policy draws substantially from the legislative framework governing land acquisition, municipal land disposal, land administration and management.

Socio-economic Impact of Aarto On Gauteng Local Municipalities

There have been unresolved concerns with AARTO in relation to the implementation and administration such as operational deficiencies, non-compliance, etc. The purpose of this research is to determine the socio-economic impact of the implementation of the AARTO Act in Gauteng municipalities.

Municipal Urban Land Release and Acquisition

SALGA’s Proposals to Facilitate Spatial Transformation and Inclusive Economic Growth Through Efficient Urban Land Governance and Management. Report compiled by Neo Molefe and Seana Nkhahle (SALGA) for the December 2019 Special Issue of SACPLAN’s Town and Regional Planning Journal. April 2019


The SALGA Voice Publication is the mouth piece of South Africa Local government. The publication focuses on fostering synergies in local governance as well as across the wide spectrum spanning the public and private sectors.


The SALGA Voice Publication is the mouth piece of South Africa Local government. The publication focuses on fostering synergies in local governance as well as across the wide spectrum spanning the public and private sectors.


in.KNOW.vation is an annual publication of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) that shares, celebrates and profiles municipal innovations, excellence and partnerships in the LG sphere.


Rethinking Doing “LED” in Intermediate Cities is the latest volume in a series of exploratory studies on the “differentiated approach to governance” focusing on intermediate cities, from the South African Cities Network.